Welcome to Websites for Clowns. I am Mike Becvar aka Sir Toony Van Dukes. I am multimedia, website, and eLearning developer by day and a clown, face painter, and balloon twister on the weekends. I have been on the Internet since the early 1990’s and working professionally since 1996. I have worked on a variety of interactive media and technology-based training projects.
It is amazing how quickly the Internet has grown and become an integral part of our lives. My first exposure to the Internet was in 1991 when I was a freshman in college. At the time, I didn’t have the web browsers like we use today. Access to the Internet was limited and my primary use was to send email messages or to download shareware games. Now, it seems like I can’t survive without the Internet. In fact, I carry around access to the Internet in my pocket thanks to a smart phone.
Every day, I work with a variety of web technologies including XML, HTML, JavaScript, graphics, audio, video and more. Outside work, I spend a lot of time on the Internet. I have been involved with my home owner’s association website, and I maintain websites for several groups including the Opera Guild of Northern Virginia, Just Clowning Around of Northern Virginia, and the Kapitol Klowns. I also have several personal websites. I hope that I can share some ideas that will help you.
Do you consider clowning around a business? If you don’t, you probably should. And as a business, it is important that people have a way of finding you. Today, it is more important than ever before for businesses to be on the Internet and have a website. You can create a web presence using social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, but I suggest also having a real website with your own domain name. I am a firm believer that all businesses NEED a website.
I am available to help you with your website.